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Conference Chair’s Welcome & Opening Remarks

Railway Digitalization Unleashed: The ROI Of Actionable Data To Face Fleet Operation & Maintenance Reality
Mohammed Hechelef, General Manager | CAF Arabia
Easing Operations: Energy efficiency, passenger experience and safety Supporting drivers with real-time information
Easing Availability: Deploying predictive analytics to reduce LCC
Easing Depot Performance and Inspection: From wayside systems to tablets to execute maintenance activity

Strategic Planning For Retrofitting On Board Data Collection Systems (Case Study)
Kapil Jambuhlkar, Head of Rolling Stock Maintenance – Indian Railways
Extending the life and cost efficiency of ageing rolling stock – development of a technical retrofitting strategy
Business case and budgeting for retro-fitting
Examining the technologies, sensors and devises to be used on rolling stock itself, the technology systems, databases and IoT
Identifying what is possible when developing a strategy to retrofit ageing rolling stock, cost and feasibility

Entirely Articulated Trains
For operators, rolling stock maintenance and operation costs are two key factors considered during procurement.
The best way to minimise both is to opt for entirely articulated trains.
The dynamic behaviour of these trains increases reliability and the time between maintenance interventions, thus maximising the use and performance of each train. It also reduces energy consumption and increases safety.

Rail Digital Twins For Maintenance Analytics: An Industrial AI Approach
Dr. Diego Galar, Professor of Condition Monitoring in the Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, LTU, Luleå University
For railway assets, much data needs to be captured and information extracted to assess the overall condition of the whole system including the one from design and manufacturing which obviously contains the physical knowledge. Therefore the integration of asset information during the entire lifecycle is required in IT/OT /ET dimensions to get an accurate health assessment of the whole system.
However, the railway is conservative and attached to PM systems and early replacements so the lack of data on advanced degraded states and “black swans” makes the data-driven approach vulnerable to such situations. The risk related to these scenarios, despite their low latency, is not acceptable, especially for this type of asset for which safety is a must.
Therefore, there is a need to augment datasets before training data-driven algorithms. For this purpose Data covering a wider range of scenarios can be obtained by synthetic data generated by physics-based models. These models need to be realistic and provide meaningful and comparable information about the behavior of the system under observation.
Industrial AI can help the use/owner/maintainer/designer to perform virtual commissioning of the asset where it is digitized and virtualized combining the existing physical models with the data collected from the field and produce a digital twin containing both data-driven and physical information.

Upgrading Asset Management Systems, Reporting & Analytics To Improve Data Monitoring Efficiencies
Mohammed Alshamlan, Rolling Stock Digitalization Strategy Manager, Saudi Railway Company (tbc)
Yaser Halawani, Rolling Stocks Maintenance Manager-Freight, Saudi Railway Company (tbc)
How to identify opportunities to upgrade asset management systems and monitoring systems on legacy trains to improve on reliability and reduce maintenance incidents.
Examining the business case for making the investment in upgrading.
Understanding the life cycle cost and potential maintenance savings for the entire life of the train

Customization And Integration of Wayside SMART YARD and On Board Condition Monitoring Technologies
Deepak Tripathi, Chief Maintenance Engineer & Head Of Railway Maintenance, Konkan Railway Corp

From Real Time Asset Monitoring Towards Dynamic Maintenance And Operations
Mastering Condition-Based Maintenance and PHM (prognostics & health management
Turning data into actions to improve the efficiency of operations and maintenance execution
Innovative Dynamic Maintenance Planning programme

Transforming Middle East Rail-Freight With Digitalized Systems And IoT

The Cyber Threat: Strategies For Protecting And Securing The Digital Future
Muneeb Anjum Hameed, Business Manager Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity, TUV Rheinland (tbc)
Advancement of integrated operational technologies and the Railway Internet of Things have enhanced operational efficiency but paradoxically has increased the attack surface exponentially across the international transport sector
The impact of supply chain vulnerabilities, insecure IT systems, the challenge of securely converging IT and OT and managing blind spots in the networks asset inventory, has increased security threats.
Invested in ensuring the design of a secure foundation
Innovation, Standardisation and Cybersecurity by Design for Digital Railways- Overview from the European Commission
Protecting customised transport systems and unified data streams: handling growing privacy concern
Safety and security in a digital age: Protecting Assets and Infrastructure Networks
Preventing Cyber Hacks: Enabling Secure Frameworks And Addressing The Heightened Security Challenges
Infrastructure And Assets To Increase Safety, Performance and Functionality

Leveraging ‘Big Data & IoT’ To Innovate Rolling Stock Maintenance: Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Big Data Technology
Ammar Alanazi, Director Of The National Center For Artificial Intelligence And Big Data Technology
KACST – King Abdulaziz City For Science And Technology (tbc)
What is ‘Big Data’, IoT & Industry 4.0?
Why and how is ‘Big Data’ and IOT transferable
Outlining the ambitions of “Big Data, IoT and 4.0
Identifying the unknown data – data you did not know existed
Identifying the areas and opportunities for financial gain
Effective planning and control of maintenance tasks
Real time monitoring of asset health
Creating value by digitalising train operations
SaaS ‘Software as a Service Business Model

The Challenges And Implications Of Digital Adoption
Samy Abdaltawab Abdullatif Mohamed, Vice Chairman And Head Of Line 2 & 3 Of Greater Cairo Metro (tbc)

The Rail Maintenance Transformation Journey – How IoT And Predictive Maintenance Can Reduce The Cost And Increasing Quality Along The Entire Cycle Of A Railway Vehicle

The Current And Future State Of Wayside Diagnostic Monitoring As A Tool For Condition Based Maintenance
Nick Ashberger, General Manager Business Development, Track IQ, A Wabtec Company (tbc)
Designed to measure and monitor the condition performance of rail car components
Automated analysis of component condition data identifying faults before failures occur
European customer case study demonstrating the benefits and future of this technology

Quantitative Data And Machine Learning Enable A Quantum Leap In Real-Time-Train Positioning
Frauscher Sensor Technology [tbc]
Quantitative DAS is the next evolution of distributed wayside sensing
In combination with machine learning, this technology provides more accurate information
Real-Time train localisation, detailed information on train length and train integrity will enable new and efficient approaches for future proof train operation

Digitalisation Of Rolling Stock Maintenance: Not Only A Matter Of Predictive Diagnostic
Pros and cons and state of the art of predictive maintenance
Role to introduce LEADMIND: Predictive Analytics For Rolling Stock
What else can digitalisation bring to Rolling Stock Maintenance?
Digitalisation success cases beyond the predictive diagnosis

Wheel set Lifecycle Monitoring

On-Board IoT Solutions Applied For Reliable Maintenance Extension Of Safety Critical Railway Wheel-Set
Victor Martinez, Global Head of Condition Monitoring & Digitalisation Competence Center, SKF Group [tbc]
Bogies maintenance encounters high percentage of the train lifecycle cost and wheel life has been considerably extended during recent years
Wheel-set bearings are safety critical components with fixed maintenance intervals, are becoming the limiting factor for wheel-set bogie overhaul maintenance extension

Overcoming The Challenges of Supporting A Network-Wide Program When Digitalising Your Operations
Matt Miller, Global Transportation Industry Principal, OSIsoft (tbc)
Recognising The Technical Barriers That Effect Progression During The Lengthy Public Tendering Process
Proof of Practice – Highlighting Several National Developments In Rail
Compare Lessons Learnt

From Real Time Asset Monitoring Towards Dynamic Maintenance And Operations
Frederic Sanchez, Maintenance Operations Director, Alstom (tbc)

Processing Big Data For Maintenance – What New Technologies Can Be Applied To Rolling Stock In A Costs Effective Manner?
How To Ensure You Are Getting Maximum Value For Your Data – Collection, Storage, Processing And Presentation
Capturing Data Systematically So It Can Be Compared Accurately With Previous And Future Data
Realising Value From Data From Outside Your System
Utilising Real Time Monitoring – Getting Data From The Source To Your Data Base, And Actually Using It
How Can You Crunch Data Into Useful Formats That Can Be Processed In A Meaningful And Easy To Understand Way
Analysing And Interpreting Data And Establishing Trends
Importance Of Data Quality And Data As An Asset

How To Prepare For Predictive Maintenance
Condition Based Maintenance and the importance of actionable information
Data acquisition and large number of Rail assets and the importance of understanding your data
Case Study: Showing how condition based maintenance can create value, operational efficiencies and savings
How Condition Based Maintenance informs our Condition Based Supply Chain, creating a digital dynamic supply chain of the future

The Indian Railways Big Data Strategy For Rolling Stock
Vivek Mohan, Director, Mechanical Engineering (Freight), Indian Railways

SERCO Middle East: Rolling Stock Optimisation
Adam Scanlon, Rolling Stock & Depots Manager, Dubai Metro, SERCO Middle East (tbc)
How can we measure the benefits of digitalisation?
What will the future look like when IoT & BIG DATA has fully landed
Using Digital Twin concepts to drive digital transformation